Newsletter - 2024 Term 1 Week 7
Term 1 Week 8
Mon 18 Mar |
Tue 19 Mar |
Wed 20 Mar |
Thur 21 Mar |
Fri 22 Mar |
Dates For The Diary
Tue 26 Mar |
Wed 27 Mar |
Fri 29 Mar |
Mon 1 Apr |
Tue 2 Apr |
Thur 11 Apr |
Mon 29 Apr |
From the Leaders
Fifth Sunday in Lent
This Sunday’s Gospel from John (Fifth Sunday of Lent), Jesus tells his followers that he is the vine and they are the branches. Just as the branches are connected to the main stem of the vine, so our lives are connected deeply with that of the Risen Christ. As we experience the love of Christ in our own hearts, we then become able to extend the love and peace of Christ to all we meet because we are connected. This is how we show we are disciples of Jesus.
Staff Professional Learning
Last Friday staff engaged in a whole day of learning and reflecting on our current practices in the area of Mission at St Agnes’ Primary School. We delved into how we enact supporting traditions, worship, evangelisation, witness, community and service. From our discussions and reflections on data from previous student, family and staff surveys we are working towards goal setting in these areas to enhance the faith, learning and wellbeing of our students.
Harmony Week
We are blessed to have students and staff born in other countries as well as family members born overseas. On Friday 22 March we will celebrate the amazing cultural diversity in our community. Classes have chosen different cultures to recognise and learn more about.
On Friday everyone is invited to dress in the colours or traditional dress appropriate for their own family or the country being celebrated in their class. Another option is to wear something orange, which is the colour of Harmony Day.
We are excited to welcome two new members to the Aggies’ Team.
On Monday, April Magomu will be joining us as an Indigenous Education Worker for the remainder of the year. ‘Aunty April’ comes with a wealth of skills, knowledge and community contacts. She will work alongside ‘Aunty Sharon’.
We are also pleased to have Anabelle Johnson, our new Social Futures worker starting at St Agnes’. Anabelle will be supporting students and families in the same way Jerico did last year. Social Futures create inclusive communities and bridge the gap of social isolation, connecting families to the support they need.
Deadly Cultural Learning Plans
The Catholic Schools Office, Lismore is committed to improving the educational outcomes of Aboriginal and Torres Strait lslander students. lt is important that staff, parents/carers and students work together to identify and support the individual and cultural needs of students.
The DCLP is a requirement for Aboriginal and Torres Strait lslander students and aims to be inclusive of all students, whether on or off country. lt is hoped the new format encourages positive partnerships between the student, the families and the school, acknowledging the importance of each student's story.
The DCLP is a working document, completed in collaboration with teachers, lndigenous Education Workers (IEWs), parents/carers and students, to inform the best way for your child to achieve their learning and cultural goals. Part of this planning involves two meetings per year, one at the beginning to set the goals and one at the end of the year to celebrate the student's achievements. I understand that we are all very busy and our time is precious, so we have two dates for you to choose from, click on the link to go to the booking site or go to and enter the code kecg9.
lf you are unable to find a time that suits you please contact Sharon via email to arrange another meeting time.
Congratulations to all students who received the Sacrament of Penance this week. Thanks to their teachers, classmates and families who supported them through this part of their faith journey. Thanks to Fathers Paul, Roland, Prodencio, Michael and Felix, along with Vanessa Denham who is integral to all of our sacramental programs in the parish.
The same students will have the opportunity to make their First Eucharist next term.
Catholic Schools Week
Catholic Schools Week is an annual initiative led by the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA) to celebrate the excellence and impact of Catholic schools. Each year, Catholic Schools observe the celebration through a variety of activities, emphasising the importance of Catholic education.
Catholic schools week is being celebrated in our Diocese during the last week of Term One. During that week we will also be incorporating St Agnes’ Feast Day celebrations. St Agnes’ Feast Day occurs on January 21 2024, before our school year started. We will be inviting families to join us on the afternoon of Wednesday 10 April to participate in activities with their children.
Year 7 2025 High School Visit
Mrs Daley Principal of St Joseph's Regional College and Mrs Harmer Acting Principal of MacKillop College visited Year 6 today to discuss enrolling into Year 7 2025. Please see the attached handout given to them today.
Please ensure you submit your child's enrolment application before the Information and Open Nights we look forward to seeing you then!
Congratulations to 1 Love who are in the lead this week for raising the most money to provide homes in rural communities in Samoa with hygienic toilets. Thanks to the generous donation from the Macasa family.
The total raised so far is $437
Principal Carers Leave
Just letting families know that as of yesterday, I am now currently on two weeks carers leave. I will be required to be a carer for my husband Aaron and children as he has just had surgery. Kate and Donna will be sharing the leadership responsibilities during this time.
Car Park Pick Up
Our current carpark pick up service is in jeopardy of continuing if we don’t have the support of those families using it. The aim of the crossing duty is to ensure our students leave school safely. Several drivers are continuing to line up waiting to enter the carpark and refusing to drive on when requested and/or queuing from near Oosh. Some drivers are parking across other driveways in the street and stopping the traffic flowing. Not only have we received complaints from members of the community, but these actions put students and families using the pedestrian crossing safely at risk, they are not respecting adults or following the traffic signs and disobeying road rules.
If users are not willing to meet the agreement signed to use ‘car park pick up’ it may not be offered.
Come Pray With Me
Families are welcome to join their children in celebrating Masses and Liturgies at Christ the King Chapel each Thursday at 10:15am. The children always appreciate this special time with their grade and we encourage any family members to join us.
21 March | Year 1 Liturgy of the Word |
28 March | Holy Thursday |
4 April | Kindergarten Liturgy of the Word |
Come Read and Spell With Me
Thank you to all our familes who were able to join us at one of our Come Read and Spell With Me sessions.
Hair Styles
Next week class teachers will be discussing unacceptable hairstyles with individual students.
Communication last year and this year through newsletters, phone conversations, assembly messages and individual discussions have occurred about acceptable hairstyles that meet our school uniform policy.
Again, extreme hairstyles of mullets (of any sort) and cut out designs, leaving marks at different lengths, do not fit in with our ‘neat and tidy’ standards. We are asking all families to ensure their children comply with these standards. Hair bands and pins are being handed out to students to ensure all hair below shoulder length and falling on their face for learning are supported. This information has also been communicated through Seesaw.
It’s Now Or Never!
Let your imagination run wild – it's time to turn a simple piece of paper into a masterpiece!
The closing date for the highly anticipated A4Art Prize is just around the corner, with only one week left until submissions close. Don't let this opportunity slip through your fingers – all it takes is one piece of paper to unleash your artistic expression and potentially win a share of our generous $5000 prize pool.
Whether you're a seasoned artist or just starting out, this competition offers a level playing field for everyone. For more information and to get started, visit today!
Transform a single sheet of paper into a captivating artwork that could earn you recognition and rewards. Whether you prefer painting, drawing, digital art, or origami, the possibilities are endless.
Don't miss out – your masterpiece could be the next big winner!
Parent Talk
The Parent Talk newsletter aims to provide parents and carers with relevant and timely information about parenting, education, wellbeing, upcoming CCSP events and webinars for parents, and significant Catholic news and events.
The Council of Catholic School Parents NSW/ACT represents all parents and carers of students in our Catholic schools. We value and promote the critical role that parents play in the education of their children, and provide leadership, advocacy and support for parents and carers of children in almost 600 Catholic schools.
Parents and carers are invited to subscribe to CCSP’s Parent Talk newsletter to receive future editions and keep up to date with how our Council supports Catholic school parents to support their children’s wellbeing, faith journey and academic outcomes.
What's Been Happening At Aggies
This week Sharon, our Indigenous Education Worker was invited by the Parish to do an acknowledgement and prayer for the Palm Island workers from Vanuatu. They will be working in our Parish Aged Care facilities on a four year contract. The Palm Island workers thanked Sharon with a song.
Year 4 Excursion to The Lost Plot
Year 2 Chapel Visit
Weekly Challenge with Miss Rinnie
Sports News
Diocesan Winter Sports Trials
Last Friday, 12 St Agnes' students attended the Diocesan Winter Sports Trials in Grafton for Rugby League, Netball and Soccer. To have 12 students reach a Diocese level is a fantastic achievement for a school. At this level, our students compete against all Catholic schools, between Laurieton and Tweed Heads. Well done to all our students who progressed to this level.
Two of our soccer players gained selection for the Polding Trials to be held in Tamworth on Friday 3 May. Congratulations to Jade Johnson and Jagga Smith who join Henry Fryer, Flynn Wehlow (AFL) and Ethan Favaloro (Hockey) as St Agnes' representatives at the Polding Trials.
School Cross Country Carnival
It is less than a week and a half until our School Cross Country Carnival. Students eight years old (this year) and older can compete in the competitive events for Zone Selection. Children aged eight to 10 years will complete a 2km course (four laps of the bottom field), and 11 and 12 years a 3km course (six laps). Children have the option of competing in competitive events or non-competitive events.
The primary carnival will begin at 9:00am and run through to lunch one. The infant's carnival will be held after lunch one. We invite all families to join us for the event and stay for a picnic lunch between 11:00am and 11:40am. A presentation for age champions will be held under the shelter at 2:15pm.
If any family members would like to help with timekeeping during the primary carnival, please get in touch with the school.
A program of events is attached to help families plan their day.
KM Club
We are half way through our quest for the Western Plains Zoo, Canberra and Melbourne. Students have been attending on Monday, Wednesday and Friday to add kilometres to the tally. The first round of 10km certificates were handed out this week, with some students now approaching the 20km certificate. At the moment, Year 2 has the highest kilometre tally with 65km with Year 4 just behind on 60km.
Congratulations to the following students for reaching 10km:
Jai Cadden - 1 Faith
Micah van Lint - 1 Hope
Julian Kuhn - 2 Faith
Chelsea Orme - 2 Faith
Eva Dupaquier - 2 Hope
Archie Sherd-Booby - 4 Faith
Eli McEntyre - 4 Love
Hudson Mynott - 4 Hope
Alexander Bushe - 5 Hope
Arthur Hough - 6 Faith
Henry Fryer - 6 Faith
Future Dates
Term One
- Tuesday 26 March - School Cross Country Carnival
- Tuesday 9 April - Polding AFL Trials, Newcastle
- Thursday 11 and Friday 12 April - NSW PSSA Swimming, Homebush Aquatic Centre
Term Two
- Friday 3 May - Polding Winter Sports Trials, Tamworth
- Wednesday 8 May - Zone Cross Country, Kempsey
- Friday 17 May - Diocesan Rugby Union Trials, Grafton
- Tuesday 21 May - Diocesan Cross Country, Grafton
- Friday 7 June - Diocesan Rugby Union Gala Day, Coffs Harbour
- Tuesday 18 June - NSW Netball School’s Cup Years 5 and 6 Gala Day
- Friday 21 June - School Athletics Carnival
Postive Behaviour Support
Over the next two weeks our focus is on learning about what respect is and how we can show it at school. The purpose of this lesson is to align with our catholic social teaching to ‘Human Dignity’. Our goal is to teach students that every person is made in the image of God. We are all valuable and worthy of respect and fairness because we are all human. We can all be like Jesus and show respect for ourselves and others. We can do this by demonstrating acts of compassion.
PBS Focus: I can be like Jesus. I respect myself and others by showing compassion.
PBS Video:
Catholic Social Teaching: Human Dignity. Every person is made in the image of God. We are valuable and worthy of respect and fairness because we are all human.
Family Resources:
Student Awards
DOJO Awards
Congratulations to the following students who have reached 100 Dojos:
Alex A, Alexander R, Amber S, Arthur V, Benjamin B, Benjamin D, Bridger D, Cade S, Charlotte W, Chelsea O, Emily H, Harper C, James H, Joseph O, Jude H, Kirrily J, Leo H, Mike R, Olivia C, Oscar H, Paityn P, Rory C, Ryan F, Sophia H, Thomas M and Utah E
Assembly Awards
Congratulations to the following students who received an award at today's assembly:
Aisha M, Alfred S, Alyse V, Amber F, Arlow F, Asha W, Ashton M, Aubree D, Aurora P, Ava C, Bailey A, Benjamin D, Bilyana B, Charlotte B, Chase O, Ella M, Elsie K, Elsie M, Emilia A, Emily H, Emily L, Faraday W, Felix S, Gabrielle R, Hartley O, Henry F,
Jaxon S, Joel C, Justine R, Kirrily J, Lucy C, Luka E, Maliya L, Melissa M, Molly B, Nate M, Nevaeh T, Rocco M, Ruby H, Sahara P, Scarlett G, Sharleigh F, Theodore H, Thomas B, Thomas B, Thomas M and Thomas S
Dear Parents and Carers
Please join us on Monday 18 March at 5:45pm for the March P&F meeting, followed by the 2024 AGM.
March Meeting (5:45pm – 6:30pm).
Agenda items include:
- Canteen
- Reverse Cycle Air Conditioning
- Band and Music Tutor Program
- Representative Sport Uniforms
2024 Annual General Meeting (6:30pm – 7:00pm)
The AGM will include the election of the Executive Members for the year ahead.
All roles will be declared vacant and an open nomination process will occur during the AGM. If you are interested in being nominated for an executive position but have questions, please feel free to contact the current executive via
Please follow the links below to view both agendas and minutes from the last monthly meeting and 2023 AGM.
Kind regards
Allison Ritchie
President, St Agnes’ Primary School P&F
This Week's Notes and App Alerts
Band Update: This letter was provided to all parents of children who were in band in 2023.
P&F Update
Dance Groups for the Creative Arts Spectacular are now open
Please check your child's Compass portal for the event that your child is eligible to participate in. All children have been invited to participate, but please only consent if it is something that your child is interested in.
Years 1 and 2 Girls and Boys Dance Group
Years 3 and 4 Girls Dance Group
Years 5 and 6 Girls Dance Group
Primary Boys Dance Group
Please be aware that these groups fill quickly and are limited to 40 places for each group. Please contact the office if you have any questions.
Year Two Reading Group Helpers
We are excited to invite any of our family members who are interested in volunteering with reading support in our Year Two classrooms. You will be assisting with small group activities.
We run group reading sessions daily for 30 minutes: Monday - Friday: 9:45am - 10:15am
We will set up a roster system for those wishing to be involved. Please note you may not necessarily be working with your child but Year Two as a whole.
For those that are interested, we will be providing training sessions before you commence so that you feel confident in facilitating the work for your small group of students. Further information on these sessions will follow.
Please complete the Google Form indicating your availability. We look forward to working with you.
Kind regards
Kym Condon, Polly Dew, Jessica Stewart and Larissa Toohey
Year 6 Camp Update
Please see below for some important camp details:
- Monday 18 March students need to be at school at 8:00am, for an 8:30am departure. They need to leave their bags in the Hall and meet their teacher at their classroom for the roll to be marked.
- Parents of children who require medication to be administered by an adult whilst at camp must complete a permission form with Year 6 staff in the hall (all medication must be in original packaging)
- The bus will return on Wednesday 20 March at approximately 3:45pm. We will notify parents via Compass of arrival time on the day. Please make arrangements to collect your child as they will not be back in time to catch school buses.
- We ask that students do not bring any devices to camp, this includes smart watches. We also ask that no jewellery is worn.
- No money is required by students, please do not send any with them.
We are all looking forward to this wonderful experience, if you have any questions or require more information please contact your child's teacher.
2024 Student Residential Address and Other Information Collection
Please see the attachment in regards to the 2024 Student Residential Address and Other Information Collection.
Canteen News
Monday | Emily Vella |
Tuesday | Sarah Davis and Michael Richards |
Wednesday | Alicia Martin |
Thursday | Candice Charlton |
Friday | Marie and Robyn Hunt |
Parish News
Key Enrolment Dates For 2025
Kindergarten Information Sessions
- St Peter’s Primary School – Saturday 18 May 2024 – 9:30am
- St Agnes’ Primary School – Saturday 18 May 2024 – 9:30am
- St Joseph’s Primary School – Saturday 18 May 2024 – 9:30am
Primary School Tour for Kindergarten
- St Peter’s Primary School – Saturday 1 June 2024 – 2:00pm
- St Agnes’ Primary School – Saturday 1 June 2024 – 2:00pm
- St Joseph’s Primary School – Saturday 1 June 2024 – 2:00pm
Year 7 Enrolment Information Session
- St Joseph’s Regional College – Tuesday 7 May 2024 – 5:00pm to 7:30pm
- MacKillop College – Monday 6 May 2024 – 5:30pm to 8:00pm
Year 11 Enrolment Information Session
- St Joseph’s Regional College – Monday 29 July 2024 – 6:00pm
- Newman Technical College – Tuesday 30 July 2024 – 6:00pm
- MacKillop College – Wednesday 31 July 2024 – 6:00pm
Community News